Wednesday 24 February 2016

My Experience at Sixtus Lodge Apiti

My Experience

Hooray we finally arrive.Where in Sixtus lodge in Apiti. We set our selves up in our dorms. After that we got ready for a big adventure. The Heritage lodge walk. Lets go. We drive for ten minutes and we arrive at the gate of our big walk.

We start off by walking down and I noticed that the parts that we go down means on the way back we have to go up. We move on from big down hills to shade and just up ahead a nice old bridge went across from one side to the other.we stopped for a couple times. Then came back. That challenge wasn't too hard. But I felt happy to finish.

Selfie in the forest.
The glow worm came at night. we went to the cave and saw the glowing green worms. They looked like they were stars in the sky but we were still in a cave. With no light at about 8:30 at night. We came back and had a quiz while the others came. There were different parts of questions. Like sport music knowledge and others.

Next day we went to the river walk and had a lot of fun. jumping climbing crawling around in the water. We got lost for a bit but found our way out. We had more to eat when we got out then went back to camp but didn't stop.We went to a little creek that we passed and went up to this massive hill on to the road. Where we found coal stuck into the side of the road.

We had a lot of free time playing sport like cricket seaweed and playing basketball. Free time was a time when we can chill out or do what we want for a bit.My favourite was playing the catching game when we smashed the ball up and people got eliminated if they dropped the ball. I was great at that game.
Playing the catching game.
After this camp it made me think that I should camp a lot more now.