Wednesday 9 November 2016

Athletics Day

On the 9/11/16 our Athletics was on. We started with Long distance which I didn't do because I was not allowed. Then we went to high jump which I am ok at. Me and my friend Cole were the last two to jump over the pole. When had morning tea why I mainly played around on the hurdles.

We had to go to the shot put which I hate doing because I am not good at it. I got the shot put half way so I got a 2 out of 4. We went to go do hurdles which I like doing. I raced first and won easily and got a 4. Then it was lunch. I had championship finals which was Sprints and Hurldles. I had to do sprints then hurdles right after.

The gun went off and the top 8 were running which was me and Cole. We were right next to each other with 5 meters to go. It's over Dom Dom you won. I won by 0.07 Miller seconds. Then I went to hurdles and raced the other top people. I was tired when I started the hurdles so I had some problems winning but I still got second. So I get a gold and silver medal and also go to inter school an cvs people from other schools.

Those were my main highlights for the athletics day until I felt like I was gonna die. Cole and I a good friends so I would thank him for being a good sportsmanship and knowing the fact that I beat him by I tiny amount.

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