Thursday 26 May 2016

How to finger spell my name

This weeks home learning we have had to learn how to finger spell our name. I have videoed myself spelling my name in sign language down below. Just click the video below to see me finger spell my name.

go and watch the video down below

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Traditional teaching style CSI

On Tuesday our day at school was crazy. We had a traditional teaching style day pretty much. The teachers were dressed up like the olden days and our classroom was filled with books and names and rows of tables and chairs. We had whiteboards filled with day schedule blackboards and other things.

Our day was very structured from the teachers like the olden days. After all of that torture we had to do a CSI and a tts. It is where we have to share what we thought about what happened
Here's mine

Jacks birthday

I hop in the car with so much excitement I couldn't here the radio. We are on our way. We are driving In the car and we stop outside the lido. I could here the splashs as I walk through the door. There It is there it is I say to mum. I can see the inflatable challenge course. Hey Jack. I walk down to the table full of food and I set my beaming eyes on the delicious lollies. I scoffed the lollies down until we start getting in to the water.

We jump in the water and it was warm but not to hot. I swim to the edge so I can go on the inflatable challenge. It was easy as I jump of the end I tell everyone that we can go in the spa so we get out and started going the the spa. The spa was like sitting on fire but it is relaxing and so easy to stay in.  The jets were bursting in the pool so I went and sat right in front of it. I almost fell of the step because the jet was so strong. We all get out and go back to the table. I wonder what we are doing.

I got told that a challenge was about to happen so we all starte getting serious until we found out that the challenge was who can eat the chocolate fish the fastest. As soon as I found that out I headed straight to where the challenge was. Go we start eating the fish and about in 15 secs som kid had fully finished with the string hanging and no chocolate but I didn't give up and by the time I had finished I was full of sugar.

We finally start singing happy birthday and opening presents and having cake. I got Jack a nerf gun while everyone else got him gift cards. By the end of the night they had another lollie scramble in the pool which I got about 20 lollies which I stuffed in my face while my mum walked. I say bye.

That was my story of Jacks birthday.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Adventures of Timmmy

Last week in grill 2.0 we have created a pick a path book. Mine is the adventures of timmy. Below you can see the pick a path where you choose what you want to do.

Read below

Thursday 5 May 2016


Yay!! Sports rotations.If you don't know what sports rotation Is i am going to tell you. Sports rotation is when we go and get taught new skills from this sport every Tuesday. Sometime when we go to sports rotation we get taught by other kids or experts. We are very lucky to have these experts coming to our school and teach us new skills on different sports that you wouldn't always play.

At sports rotation we go to one sport for 45 minutes then we move to another sport for 45 minutes. I prefer to play badminton because I know that we I start playing I always have a challenge against either Tyler or joohno which I like because I can watch how they play to learn new skill for me to use against them.

When we go to a sport they have the equipment all set up so we can play like badminton they have the nets set up and golf has the targets and the fluffy tennis balls ready then tennis have the nets and the tennis balls soccer has cones set up then last is hockey with the cones and the lines on the turf

Sunday 1 May 2016

Moving houses

In the holidays my mum and i went and shifted house. We had my uncle Zane help us move which was nice. I helped moving all the shelves full of clothes. I was nervous but exciting that we were moving into a big house with rooms for me to play. My dog Oak lee was going bananas which really confused me because he doesn't usually do this.

Crazy Dog

Once we had moved all the furniture to the new house we were ready to sort our rooms out. We hurried out of the car and let our dog for a little wonder. But he ran off across the road to a different house with an old man living in it. So i had to chase him so he can get back here. He didn't get hurt at all. But i was still worried about him. I had totally forgot about the house so i had to rush my skinny but into my bedroom so i could start setting my room.

Getting everything done

I am now to the hard part. Trying to get my t.v. into my bedroom. I need to get my mum. She lifts the t.v. from the lounge into the bedroom. I had finally got everything done.We had set our lounge up with couches and tables. Our kitchen was full of food to eat and our garage was finally cleared out because that was where we had our big boxes that are empty now.

After all of the disasters we had moved into a new house successfully.