Tuesday 6 December 2016

To myself when I am older

What's up myself in twenty years. This is all about what I did in Grill 2.0 when I was 10. If you didn't remember then this will refresh your mind. I started of my year finding out I had all my friends. At the start of the year we did this designing challenge where we had to design what our class would look like then we had to create our awesome class for us to use for the whole year.

Grill 2.0 worked very differently to every other class I had been in. We all used devices but I used my own device from home. For our class to work we had to co operate with others and be responsible. The way we learned was hard for me until I got use to it.

The best highlight was about when we went to camp which was sixtus lodge. When we arrived everything was empty so we had to set up our beds and get everything organized. The food was delicious but the best challenge was doing the huge hike because I don't like walking or constantly moving for over 2 hours. But I got through that challenge and I was proud. Another hard thing was sleeping. All the kids were staying up being silly and talking until 12:00. We left camp and had all learnt something and been challenged.

My teachers Miss Gordon and Mr r were the best combination of teachers ever. First of all mr r was the sports teacher which helped me a lot because I was really into sports, then Mrs Gordon was also the singing teacher so we got to have our teacher being the leader of singing. But personally to me they were the best when they were both here in class helping kids like me. Grill 2.0 was the best class I had been in ,and if I could go through it again I would but you only go to primary once.

   This is advice for when you read this  ,make sure I live to at least 35, not grow a beard ,get a Lamborghini and have a wife so she can do the dishes, cook dinner,do the laundry and have a child ,but get a boy who is awesome just like me . If you are reading this and accomplished these jobs then that means that you are have completed my goals or your goals but yeah.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Fijian Haka cib

First of all we are doing a dance that is cultural to Fiji and used before rugby games and after rugby games. We have our certain parts and actions that we have to do. We have been practicing it and then we will perform it in front of the class. Another dance that is in our group will be performed by 2 people . The meaning of the Haka was to inspire themselves before a rugby game or celebrate their victory. It is also a rememberence of when they were in war with their pacific neighbors. It was made when they were vs New Zealand and the captain thought of a Haka to compete with the All blacks.
The Haka goes like this.

Ai tei cibi.                                                                                          
Ai tei vovo, tei vovo          
E ya, e ya, e ya, e ya
Tei vovo, tei vovo
E ya, e ya, e ya, e ya
Rai tu mai, rai tu mai
Oi au a virviri kemu bai
Rai tu mai, rai ti mai
Oi au a virviri kemu bai
Toa yalewa, toa yalewa
Veico, veico, veico
Au tabu moce koi au
Au moce ga ki domo ni biau
E luvu koto ki ra nomu waqa
O kaya beka au sa luvu sara
Nomu bai e wawa mere
Au tokia ga ka taserev

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Athletics Day

On the 9/11/16 our Athletics was on. We started with Long distance which I didn't do because I was not allowed. Then we went to high jump which I am ok at. Me and my friend Cole were the last two to jump over the pole. When had morning tea why I mainly played around on the hurdles.

We had to go to the shot put which I hate doing because I am not good at it. I got the shot put half way so I got a 2 out of 4. We went to go do hurdles which I like doing. I raced first and won easily and got a 4. Then it was lunch. I had championship finals which was Sprints and Hurldles. I had to do sprints then hurdles right after.

The gun went off and the top 8 were running which was me and Cole. We were right next to each other with 5 meters to go. It's over Dom Dom you won. I won by 0.07 Miller seconds. Then I went to hurdles and raced the other top people. I was tired when I started the hurdles so I had some problems winning but I still got second. So I get a gold and silver medal and also go to inter school an cvs people from other schools.

Those were my main highlights for the athletics day until I felt like I was gonna die. Cole and I a good friends so I would thank him for being a good sportsmanship and knowing the fact that I beat him by I tiny amount.

Monday 7 November 2016

My dog Oaklee

My Dog is a half poodle half maultese. He has been with me ever since I was born. He is really awesome and he sometimes plays with you but he gets exhausted quite quick. He's fussy with his food but he will eat chicken from KFC.

His name is Oaklee but we usually call him oaks. He always mucks around and hasn't got very good senses like are dog is really suppose to have but he still gets around well. In human years he is 11 turning 12 which is a reasunable age for a dog but he is going to live for another few years.

Sunday 6 November 2016

Learning at school

Learning at school is different from all other schools. How I learn is mainly on technology. We use certain devices and websites to communicate and work together. Our teachers trust us to what we do so it is our fault if we are being a idiot not there's. They set us with tasks and we finish them in the time that we need to finish them in.

We use a website called classroom which is connected to a little program called fast track we use fast track to show that we have finished something and when we have finished something we put the link in so the teacher can see what we have completed and If we put an honest effort or not.

We have different spaces tha we learn in. The hangout which is where you can collaborate the hub which is the main room. The hall of fame which is a side corridor in the classroom where you can work and the silent room where you can complete tasks and learn in peace with silence.

The way we learn for me is the best for us because we learn more from technolog and the tasks that in a book but this doesn't mean we don't use books

The best game ever

We headed out to the onga onga golf course for a game of golf. We arrived at the golf course it was all to ourselves to play. We started on the number 1 hole with a bright orange ball and a tee to whack off.

The game had started I had whacked the ball half way down the course and it was right in line of the flag. Everyone else had went and we finally got to the hole. We all putted the ball in after a few hits. We skipped the number two because there was a car parked right next to the flag so we chose not to risk it. We finally arrived at the last hole and a friendly dog had come to meet us. That dog was the owner of the golf course so he merry decreed arround the course.

We finished with a great putt by me. We mucked arround but finally got some food and went back home in Hawkes bay.

Friday 4 November 2016

Safety cyclists

On the 2nd of November Constable Matt came to teach us the safety rules about riding on the road. first he went through the rules of riding and where you need to ride and what you need to do when you are in certain situations.he started to teach us about what to do when you are at an intersection. If you are in a T intersection the rule is the top of the T goes before me. Then we started talking about how the round about rules are like always give way to your right and look before you choose to go.

Hand signals were next. We got taught that if you wanna stop raise your hand and stop the bike to tell the person behind you that you are stopping. If you wanna turn left stretch your arm out to the left then make sure no one is coming from your right then go. If you wanna go straight put your arm to the left then when you are in the middle put your right arm out to the right. If you are going right do the exact same for the left just for the right side.

Finally the good stuff happened. We got on our bikes and Matt had set up three intersections for us to practice on with 15 others. We played around using our knowledge so we wouldn't crash in a round about or an intersection. Personally it was fun until i got the freaks when me and van almost collided because he didn't see me put my hand out so i had to put the brakes on before he crashes straight into the bike. I personally think that this was for our safety for when we are older and biking on the ride or driving in a car.

Its good to know these rules

Thursday 3 November 2016

The tale of the quail and the owl

This is the tale of the Quail and the Owl
written by me.

Once upon a time there was a big wise owl. He lived in the forest. He had a little friend which was a quail. They always use to meet and attack prey like other birds and lizards. They fight quite often but they are still friends.

The quail lived on a farm but visited the owl every day. They always met at this humongous log. The farmer was once out counting the quails at a different time and that quail had left so he waited for it to return and then he was going to chop his head off and have it for dinner.

The quail wasn't watching so he waddled his way across the farm until he saw the farmer in front of him with Shotgun aimed at his head. The quail ran as fast as he could away but the farmer was shooting at the quail. hopefully though the quail knew where he was going so the farmer wasn't able to follow him into the forest.

The owl heard the gunshots and he woke up looking for his friend at the log. The owl was asleep in the log which rolled down a hill into the river he tried to break free but his wing had been damaged and the quail was lost in a different part of the forest where you could hear the roar of a bear as if it was about to eat me.

Fly fly there was a squirrel in the tree signaling to move .the quail couldn't respond but it was too late bye then an eagle with a beak as shiny as gold and wings and fast as a cheetah moving through the air. The eagle picked up the quail and glided its way up to where it's nest is to feed his baby Eagles.

The owl is flapping with all its muscle which is a big as a bean but yeah. He finally completed his way out of the log but he has never recognized where he is so he flew up to find that he is as far away as one side of wellington to the other. He chose to constantly move until he found the bright side of the forest. The quail tumbled down to find that he was near the owl because of the shadow sneaking behind the old broken tree. The owl and the quail found each other and followed the river so they lived in the forest for the rest of their lives.

Best holiday ever

We are off in the air leaving New Zealand to go to Australia for a holiday. We waited for three and a half hours untill we had finally arrived at Brisbane air port ready to start the journey of Australia.We went through the check in and grabbed our bags. We had finally left the airport to get a rental car so we can drive up to Gold coast. We arrived at the Gold Coast and settled in at Alexandre break free resort. We all went straight to the pools out the front.
Day 2 was horrific. I got sick so we just chilled and then we went to movie world and had some fun for a few hours but then everyone was tired and sweaty with drops off water falling off them because of the heat. We got back to the resort and went to the pool for the night then got out at about 7:00 got dinner then went to bed. 
We woke up at 3:00 in the morning because in New Zealand it would be 6:00 so we looked real weird in the morning making noise while others are sleeping.
Day 3 was on the boat for whale watching and as soon as we got on I wanted to get off . I was sick I didn't even see a whale and what was worse is it went for 3 and a half hours.

Day 4 we chilled because everyone was tired until the night time when we went to a pub where kids eat free and I won the draw for a game so I got to shoot a guy at the pub then win beer for everyone shot so I hit him 6/6 so I won six beers for my family 

Day 5 was the Eu,undo markets which was where I got my crystal and my boomerang. We waddled around for the day then went to the beach in Nosa and played in the sea until we wanted to go back to the resort.

Day 6 we stayed inside chilling until dinner came around because we had fish and chips and we went to a restaurant where I played pool with an Australian kid for a few hours until we had to leave because it was 9:00 which would mean 12:00 in NZ.

Day 7 we were off and ready to leave Australia. We arrived in NZ feeling good.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Calendar art

This is my calendar art for 2016 . Hope you like it

Monday 12 September 2016

Global warming

Global warming is affecting earth. Global warming is the temperature increasing to an extreme high level. We have to make a change so human's average life is better.

One of the problems that can be solved from is planting things like trees. Trees are gonna help because it absorbs a lot of the heat and that means that the Sun's heat that comes to earth is going into a tree and being absorbed. If we start planting more trees and get rid of old abandoned buildings we could be able to absorb some of our heat which will stop the global warming and not have it get to serious.

Another big problem is all the steam from buildings like factories because all that smoke is let into the air and that air builds up heat in our atmosphere which just sits in our air and makes the earth hotter after a while just sitting there. The solution to this is that we could let the smoke be converted into something that can help our lives like a resource.

We have to make a change to global warming because global warming will start to make humans suffer because of things like skin cancer and other problems is the sun is melting ice and the sea level is rising so small islands with really high level beaches so they are getting drowned and people are having to go somewhere else with nothing than maybe a bag full of clothes.

Global warming must be stopped we shall plant more trees and then we can start finding a way to convert smoke into something that can help our lives so if the smoke comes out the building maybe it should stay in and be remade into a important resource.

Monday 15 August 2016

Argentina Olympic report

Argentina is a country that is down the bottom of south America by Uruguay Chile Brazil and Paraguay.Argentina's flag has blue and white stripes going sideways while there is a big bright sun in the middle.

Argentina has a population of 43.8 million people it is also the second biggest country in south America following behind Brazil which is the biggest country in South America because it has a bigger area.

Argentina are actually subdivided into 23 parts so like big towns that are in Argentina like the capital Buenos Aires which is one of the 23 subdivided parts. So what they show is 23 different parts of Argentina separated into parts of Argentina.

Iguazu falls is a big tourist attraction in Argentina which is a big place with flowing water rushing down like a waterfall. Tourist get attracted because there are beautiful scenes that they can take photos of and do stuff that tourists like to do a video or anything with a camera
pretty much.

Monday 27 June 2016

My role in the production

Yay production. Jump jam. That's my role . Our production is called Cinderella rocker fella. My role is Doing boys jump jam with all of my friends and kids from room 10/11 room 9 and last is room 20. We have a really fun time training but we still are training on finishing touches for the production. We have certain ways we have to setup for the dance because we have rows for each people to stand in so we can be ready for the dance.

Our jump jam dance has been helped by a couple of teachers so we have been a little bit lucky with all the help from teachers. we have been working really well together and have been changing the dance a bit but the group is still working together to produce the dance. We couldn't have done this with out our coach Mr r  though because we would've done nothing with out have Jim believing in us and encouraging Us that it would be so fun. So we couldn't have done it without him.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Best thing about learning in grill

Grill 2.0 is my classroom. There are loads of ways that Grill learns. I mean there are some styles of learning that a lot of schools probably don't use and there are some that they might use. I'm going to tell you what my favorite way to learn is in Grill 2.0 .

My favorite way to learn in Grill is fast track. Now fast track is we the teachers can see when we have done our work.Lets say that i had to  do one task right. I would do that task on the computer then i would get the link by copying the url . The url is pretty all those words on the search bar that you see once you have entered something. You make the link shorter and paste it in fast track son the teachers can see your work. Also fast track is really easy to access so you never have trouble trying to get in. Pretty much fast track is reliable.

Thanks for reading hope you understand what i have been saying

see yah

Thursday 26 May 2016

How to finger spell my name

This weeks home learning we have had to learn how to finger spell our name. I have videoed myself spelling my name in sign language down below. Just click the video below to see me finger spell my name.

go and watch the video down below

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Traditional teaching style CSI

On Tuesday our day at school was crazy. We had a traditional teaching style day pretty much. The teachers were dressed up like the olden days and our classroom was filled with books and names and rows of tables and chairs. We had whiteboards filled with day schedule blackboards and other things.

Our day was very structured from the teachers like the olden days. After all of that torture we had to do a CSI and a tts. It is where we have to share what we thought about what happened
Here's mine

Jacks birthday

I hop in the car with so much excitement I couldn't here the radio. We are on our way. We are driving In the car and we stop outside the lido. I could here the splashs as I walk through the door. There It is there it is I say to mum. I can see the inflatable challenge course. Hey Jack. I walk down to the table full of food and I set my beaming eyes on the delicious lollies. I scoffed the lollies down until we start getting in to the water.

We jump in the water and it was warm but not to hot. I swim to the edge so I can go on the inflatable challenge. It was easy as I jump of the end I tell everyone that we can go in the spa so we get out and started going the the spa. The spa was like sitting on fire but it is relaxing and so easy to stay in.  The jets were bursting in the pool so I went and sat right in front of it. I almost fell of the step because the jet was so strong. We all get out and go back to the table. I wonder what we are doing.

I got told that a challenge was about to happen so we all starte getting serious until we found out that the challenge was who can eat the chocolate fish the fastest. As soon as I found that out I headed straight to where the challenge was. Go we start eating the fish and about in 15 secs som kid had fully finished with the string hanging and no chocolate but I didn't give up and by the time I had finished I was full of sugar.

We finally start singing happy birthday and opening presents and having cake. I got Jack a nerf gun while everyone else got him gift cards. By the end of the night they had another lollie scramble in the pool which I got about 20 lollies which I stuffed in my face while my mum walked. I say bye.

That was my story of Jacks birthday.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Adventures of Timmmy

Last week in grill 2.0 we have created a pick a path book. Mine is the adventures of timmy. Below you can see the pick a path where you choose what you want to do.

Read below

Thursday 5 May 2016


Yay!! Sports rotations.If you don't know what sports rotation Is i am going to tell you. Sports rotation is when we go and get taught new skills from this sport every Tuesday. Sometime when we go to sports rotation we get taught by other kids or experts. We are very lucky to have these experts coming to our school and teach us new skills on different sports that you wouldn't always play.

At sports rotation we go to one sport for 45 minutes then we move to another sport for 45 minutes. I prefer to play badminton because I know that we I start playing I always have a challenge against either Tyler or joohno which I like because I can watch how they play to learn new skill for me to use against them.

When we go to a sport they have the equipment all set up so we can play like badminton they have the nets set up and golf has the targets and the fluffy tennis balls ready then tennis have the nets and the tennis balls soccer has cones set up then last is hockey with the cones and the lines on the turf

Sunday 1 May 2016

Moving houses

In the holidays my mum and i went and shifted house. We had my uncle Zane help us move which was nice. I helped moving all the shelves full of clothes. I was nervous but exciting that we were moving into a big house with rooms for me to play. My dog Oak lee was going bananas which really confused me because he doesn't usually do this.

Crazy Dog

Once we had moved all the furniture to the new house we were ready to sort our rooms out. We hurried out of the car and let our dog for a little wonder. But he ran off across the road to a different house with an old man living in it. So i had to chase him so he can get back here. He didn't get hurt at all. But i was still worried about him. I had totally forgot about the house so i had to rush my skinny but into my bedroom so i could start setting my room.

Getting everything done

I am now to the hard part. Trying to get my t.v. into my bedroom. I need to get my mum. She lifts the t.v. from the lounge into the bedroom. I had finally got everything done.We had set our lounge up with couches and tables. Our kitchen was full of food to eat and our garage was finally cleared out because that was where we had our big boxes that are empty now.

After all of the disasters we had moved into a new house successfully.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Swimming sports

Swimming sports was yesterday it was so exciting going and racing other kids from my school at swimming. I get into the water and my feet tremble with nerves i think to myself just be positive. On you,re marks get set Go. I am doing ok we have done about half of the 25 metres and it is pretty even except cole. Its finished i came 5th so not last for my first try swimming 25 metres.

I have been waiting for a tiny bit and now i am about to line up for my 25 metre backstroke. I am in the water and getting ready to start Go we have started i am coming third now 4th the race has finished i have come 4th for my first time i am, pretty impressed and ready.

All the other races have been except the surfboard and ring relays. I hop next the the start. The board has been twisted round for me to go and i splash right in the centre of the board kicking my legs and digging my arms into the water and going as fast as i can. I spin the board and give my team a boost. We have won. Takahe won the ring and board race against Weka kea and Tui we have finished. We hop out and find out overall Takahe came 2nd overall with weka winning in 1st then 3rd was Kea then Tui.

This experience was the best time ever for me with swimming. Next year i am gonna push myself to get into the top three for all my swims

Sunday 3 April 2016

Photo of the best place to learn

The Best place to learn in Grill 2.0

Favourite Place In Grill 2.0

Favourite place to work in Grill
Grill has a variety of great spaces for kids to learn and have more opportunities to get tasks done.

My favourite place in Grill 2.0 is the Hub. The Hub is a mix of all spaces together. The Hub is my favourite because you can go relax and work by yourself or if you wanted to talk with a buddy about your tasks you can move to a space with your buddy and work together. The hub is the best place for me to work because i like to work with a buddy and be able to talk or move around. In the Hub there are certain places where you can go and work like by the tote trays theres a corner where you can go and work in.

The Hub is better than all other rooms because the other rooms are only focused on one kind of method of learning like the social room is focused on working together and the silent room is for kids who want to work by them selves silently. But the hub is focused on all methods in one room so you can choose the way you want  to learn . The hub has a lot more places to work in it so you won't be crowded by other kids.

Friday 1 April 2016

Hurricanes coming to CSNS

Today 4 hurricanes came to CSNS. We got to ask them a whole bunch of questions like When did you start playing rugby? and more. CSNS ripper rugby teams played some games of ripper with the Hurricanes as there coaches. That was awesome to see. Jenel and Mike from more fm came as well to talk to us a bout what there gonna do and told us some more things of the hurricanes. We did some chanting like this HURRICANES BANG BANG BANG HURRICANES  like that.

After a while the Hurricanes came in and they did some jump jam with every single kid in our school. They were so awesome. Then they left to go work with room 20 because one of there kids entered us in this competition so they went to work in that persons class for the rest of the day.

I thought that this experience was awesome.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

My Experience at Sixtus Lodge Apiti

My Experience

Hooray we finally arrive.Where in Sixtus lodge in Apiti. We set our selves up in our dorms. After that we got ready for a big adventure. The Heritage lodge walk. Lets go. We drive for ten minutes and we arrive at the gate of our big walk.

We start off by walking down and I noticed that the parts that we go down means on the way back we have to go up. We move on from big down hills to shade and just up ahead a nice old bridge went across from one side to the other.we stopped for a couple times. Then came back. That challenge wasn't too hard. But I felt happy to finish.

Selfie in the forest.
The glow worm came at night. we went to the cave and saw the glowing green worms. They looked like they were stars in the sky but we were still in a cave. With no light at about 8:30 at night. We came back and had a quiz while the others came. There were different parts of questions. Like sport music knowledge and others.

Next day we went to the river walk and had a lot of fun. jumping climbing crawling around in the water. We got lost for a bit but found our way out. We had more to eat when we got out then went back to camp but didn't stop.We went to a little creek that we passed and went up to this massive hill on to the road. Where we found coal stuck into the side of the road.

We had a lot of free time playing sport like cricket seaweed and playing basketball. Free time was a time when we can chill out or do what we want for a bit.My favourite was playing the catching game when we smashed the ball up and people got eliminated if they dropped the ball. I was great at that game.
Playing the catching game.
After this camp it made me think that I should camp a lot more now.